The Great Divide

The Great Divide

The Great Divide

Are Men and Women Compatible?

These days, you can’t browse through social media without seeing tons of podcasts.  I am not an avid podcast watcher/listener, but I do catch some clips that I find quite alarming.  Now that’s not to say there are no great podcasts out there because there is an abundance of them.  However, it seems like every time you turn around men are bashing women, women are bashing men, men are bashing other men, and women are bashing other women.  Also, this is not to say that there are no truths being told, but I find that these days the rhetoric being used seems to be anti-marriage or long-term relationships.  I find this daunting for the black community.  In 2020, the percentage rate of unmarried black men and unmarried black women increased about 30% from the 1970’s.  In 2020, 51.4% of black men and 47.5 of black women were never married. What do these statistics mean for the black community?


In 2024, it is apparent that marriage is not the goal for all people.  Nevertheless, there is a significant number of singles especially in the black community that still desire marriage.  With all the gender wars happening online, it impacts how we date and mate.  It seems like the genders are angry at each other, and if that’s the case, where does that leave us?  When I hear some of these podcasts, I really roll my eyes because there are so many messages being sent and it’s hard to keep up.  There is a heavy emphasis on feminine and soft women with no masculine energy that provides peace.  These are the buzz words and phrases I keep hearing, and don’t get me started that women are gold diggers.  While gold diggers, certainly do exist, many black women are out earning their male counterparts.  Yet, I don’t hear a lot of talk about the expectations of men and what their role is supposed to be in relationships presently.

What Women Want

Now it’s true that some women want romance and everything we see in the movies. However, if you ask most women what they want they will tell you they want the 3 P’s that Steve Harvey talks about.  A man who professes his love, provides for you and protects you.  If most women had these things and peace, I believe men would begin to see the soft feminine women they are looking for because a woman would be allowed to be in her element.  The truth is lots of black women have become used to doing so much independently that even when they have a man it may be difficult to take that hat off.  On the flip side, some men don’t offer much and want a soft feminine woman and they don’t contribute or add anything to her life to put her in a position to be that soft feminine woman.  I think more women would enjoy being in their divine feminine roles, if there were more men living in their masculine energies and roles.

What are your thoughts?

By Esther S.